Terkenang zaman form3.
"San Dimas High School Football Rules"
Last night I had a dream that we went to Disneyland,
Went on all the rides, didn't have to wait in line.
I drove you to your house where we stared up at the stars
I listened to your heartbeat as I held you in my arms.
We hung out at the rainbow where we drank til' half past two.
Nothing could go wrong anytime that I'm with you.
Like crashing a hotel room or leading up to that first kiss
Or searching for a high school that you know doesn't exist...
These are the things that make me free
I feel like I'm stuck in "stand by me"
This night was too good to be true.
Today I woke up alone wishing you were here with me,
I wanted us to be something that we'd probably never be.
Today you called me up and said you'd see me at our show,
But now I'm stuck debating if I even wanna go.
Whitney, don't you understand that what I say is true?
I just want you to know I have a major crush on you.
I'd drive you to Las Vegas and do the things you wanna do
I'd even have Wayne Newton dedicate a song to you.
I only wish that this could be
Just dump your boyfriend and go out with me
I swear I'd treat you like a queen.
Lagu comel
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Posted by Gooseberry//Yo at 7:55 PM 0 comments
Sleeping till December again.
Meet me when the cold winter blooms.
Posted by Gooseberry//Yo at 8:15 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 29, 2009
Currently feeling distressed with the usual routine.
Don't feel like going out or whatever.
10 DAYS seems like so far off right now with too many things do right now but I don't feel like doing anything.
No idea for the billboard design , And I have to submit it tomorrow.
Tried listening to Lucky Soul- Add your light to mine to cheer myself up but I'm getting sleepier by the minute.
And crankier.
I am way down under right now, sorry mak & abah kalau yo mcm senyap and cranky je kat rumah. Not happy with the current situation.
Oh well, nitey night. Hopefully tomorrow wil be a better day.
Posted by Gooseberry//Yo at 8:56 AM 0 comments
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Sometimes I soar too high, forgot to put my feet back on the ground. Be my anchor won't you.
Tired of hating, I'm just gonna be mellow and cool. If that's possible.
Posted by Gooseberry//Yo at 6:47 AM 0 comments
The Bag
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Lupa! Credit to Zie (her link is on my bloglist) for the bag! Die jahitkan tau :') Sorry I forgot how to link!
And yes, fabric markers, as usual. For sale.?
Posted by Gooseberry//Yo at 8:25 AM 10 comments
I guess I should've long ago tarik kaki dari awan2 larat ni and fokus btul2 kat realiti. I guess sebab aku banyak difeedkan dengan angan-angan and fairytales lagi2 dari Disney and aku semacam termakan untuk dapat yang atas-atas awan, maybe dari kecik lagi.
Aku rasa kau terer gila, dpt masukkan diri kau dalam mimpi-mimpi aku and play along, macam kau letak topeng kat muka and ajak aku menari.
Aku mcm suka, and kau tak pernah komplen.
Aku cam bosan ngan manusia yang tak reti give & take. Bweh! Malas cakap banyak. Ok bukan psl lovelife. Lebih kepada.. er , persahbatan so whatelse is new? Ni post yang ke 300 aku baru sedar, and rasanya umur blog ni tak cukup 1 tahun pun lagi. Gile loserrr.
And aku rasa malu orang yang artsy fartsy add blog aku dlm list dorang , maybe coz title blog aku yg sgt menipu. "Designer" keyword yang takleh blah. Kepada pembaca yang add sebab harapkan artwork2, awak salah tempat. Itu mungkin once in a blue moon sahaja sebab saya adalah malas dan pengecut dan jangan cakap saya negatif. Ok aku ade conteng beg so aku akan update dengan gmbar beg tu. Just coz keyword blog aku adalah designer.
Posted by Gooseberry//Yo at 6:34 AM 0 comments
Gasoline, gfs and tired cheeks
Monday, June 22, 2009
Had a fantabulous time hanging out with the gfs but sadly Yas couldnt make it as she's still in India so we tagged her in all of the pictures so she wouldn't feel left out.
Kudos to Ila,Me, Kocha, Krina, for the pictures.
The last time we saw each other was like, a year ago so it was a great reunion.
Gile kepoh semua orang, plus jakun as we've never been to Gasoline and it serves like, the best food and drinks. I had Tarzan, which is chocloate shake blend with bananas and topped with whip cream. Nyum! Reasonable price also.
We've known each other since forever. Banginians have a trait yang
orang luar Bangi susah nak ada. Bukan baik atau buruk pun. Its just the thing that keeps us close. I guess thats why most of us macam tak reti2 nak cari besfren luar dari Bangi, well kalau ada pun mcm lain still. Most of the Banginians yang I met kat luar are usually loners yang tunggu weekend utk balik jumpa childhood friends. Haha. And gossip pasal orang luar Bangi yang weirdos. Gila katak bawah tempurung kan kiteorg. Padhal sendiri yang tak betul . Oh well thats Bangi to you. ^_^Syaza the accountant, Khai si geologist, ojai err, not sure, Dayah the lawyer, Awin the engineer, Kocha the Physiothereapist, and me the errr lost designer? Bweh! Ila si photografer. Much love guys! As usual, the line will always be " WE SHOULD DO THIS MORE OFTEN!". See ya next year. :D
Posted by Gooseberry//Yo at 8:08 AM 4 comments
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Sometimes you just drive me crazyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Gooseberry//Yo at 7:41 PM 0 comments
Perempuan & hips
So yea, basically aku cam nak cakap pasal hips and having a little flesh and so on.
Kadang-kadang kau pernah rasa bengang tak bila kau tak jumpa kawan kau dah lama, and bila kau jumpa, she has turn into this teeny tiny scrawyyyy little thing and dia kata die tak tau kenapa kurus?
Truth is mmg die makan sikit and paranoid untuk jadi berisi lagi, paranoid untuk ada pipi and paranoid untuk ade daging kat peha. So in the end dia jadi si tak comel sebab kurus sgt and not a good companion coz she doesn't eat.
My God I think its becoming the latest season to be scrawny, lagi2 bila supermodels are making their comeback and don't get me start on those skinny jeans. Curse you Mika.
Aku ada sorang kawan laki yang cakap having hips adalah macam, satu trademark indah untuk seorang perempuan. Aku rasa dia antara lelaki yang terpandai yang aku pernah jumpa. Supermodels are not real and kau akan nampak aneh gila kalau kau kurus sgt. Tapi ada yang semulajadi kurus tu mmg takyah cakap la, they cant do a thing about it coz of high metabolismes and usually orang yang kurus semulajadi, badan diaorang nampak lagi normal dari orang yang berusaha untuk kurus. Well, I do get jealous of orang with smaller hips and I do get insecure every now and then but as I grew older, I learned to embrace apa yang ada . Bukan boleh lari mana pun.
Please, orang yang takda supermodels punya weight, stop downgrading yourself sebab kau lebih kot dari sume tu. And tips about dieting, eat everything in small quantity! Thats all. Man, aku rasa macam Oprah tapi aku tak suka hangout ngan orang yg tak makan!!!
C'mon guys. Eat and you will grow beautiful.
Posted by Gooseberry//Yo at 4:59 AM 4 comments
Update? or not?
Aku delete post before ni sebab aku rasa aku tak rindu sea that much. I can do without one dalam masa terdekat. And the song ain't that sexy. So aku buang jugak.
Baru lepas tengok Have dream will travel,
the sweetest movie ever.
Malas cakap pjg lebar, aku nak paksa rambutjanggutmisai tengok.
Aku cam suka gila cerita yang ada happy ending. Aku rasa kalau kau hidup dengan negativity utk cerita yang takde happy ending aku rasa someday your life will end up being one.
So always, my favourite part of movies are their brilliant words so aku post.
Waitress: So, what can I get you little chickens this morning? Some silver dollar pancakes? Or some piggies in a blanket, I bet?
Ben: Two coffees, both black.
Ayla dah balik so aku happy but gonna be some major changes in life. Life, as we know it. Aku penah cakap aku rasa akan ada surprise cuti ni kan? Well mmg akan ada. Can't say that I'm sad coz I'm not. Cuti nak habis and aku mcm look forward untuk leave that place. I had a blast with Syidat, aku rasa kite get along dgn mudah and everyday aku look forward to makan and smayang and tidur dkat surau kejap with her smpai habis time rehat. Aku tak pernah suka routine tp ni rutin yang aku boleh suka sebab aku terpaksa and aku suka. Antara benda-benda yang aku akan miss bila start kelas balik.
Untuk orang yang aku sayang yang aku tak pernah blog pasal orang tu, aku just tanak crita panjang2 sebab aku rasa lebih bes kalau aku simpan semua prasaan sayang tu daripada aku blogkan sebab aku bukan jenis luahkan perasaan and it would be awkward if I were to say stuff in here. Aku akan tarik diri dari kau dalam dunia nyata kalau aku cerita dalam dunia maya.
Aku rasa numb. Malam amek everyone and will have a good vanilla ice cream. I miss everyone.
Posted by Gooseberry//Yo at 2:11 AM 0 comments
Friday, June 19, 2009
I'm gonna try the hardest utk 2 sem lagi.
Biarlah nanges camane, gadoh camane, I know we'll make it. Hopefully :).
The late nights assignments, french, last minute presentations, the slipar, the lift, kelenguhan tangan, the tears, the stress, oversleeeep, the 100 step of stairss to the faculty, I am so UP for it.
Erm and for thesis.. well, let's just say I'm not ready for that yet.
Do pray for us, loves.
Geng2 kat skolah dulu yang kuat ngutuk aku add balik kat fb. Motiff?
I accepted it, just for the drama.
Posted by Gooseberry//Yo at 8:45 PM 7 comments
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Got myself a lil presssieee! So happy!
Movie date with gfs tonite!
And tomorrow gathering banginians!
I'm like kemaruk-ing buat billboard for Science Park! This has never happened before!
Still missing the hairy monster! Slamat bekerja kurekuremisajanggutrambut!
And to mum ecah n om, blikan ole2 kan PENANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CEK MY BLOGGG!!!
Posted by Gooseberry//Yo at 10:27 PM 0 comments
The most wtf dream ever
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Go ahead and cakap yo budget Edward Cullen but i HAD THE SICKEST DREAM EVER.
Dreamt I was a vampire. so I tried and succeed in cutting of my wrist, and I mean sampai putuih, and then I put the remaining hands yang dah kodong into my mouth and suck the bloooooooood.
The taste of it like so besi and karat, yechhh.
So I looked at my crippled hand and wait for it to grow back coz vampires usually healed fast kan but it didn't, and so I though like "oh-oh am i going to b crippled for the rest of my life?"
and blood was dripping all over the floor..k I'm getting sick just by typing these words so I better stop now
Posted by Gooseberry//Yo at 6:50 PM 2 comments
Boss said I have potentials but lacking at the finishing part.
Old news.
Maybe if I master the art of folding clothes, things will get better.
Yeah I still dont know the right way to fold clothes properly till today, Fikri's the sifu at the dept. Still learning.
Teach me old man. Much <3
4 or is it 5 major projects to go, in 2 weeks time. Wish me luck brothers and sisters.
Posted by Gooseberry//Yo at 6:13 AM 5 comments
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Rindu Salma.
Tak smpat ckp bye. The sleepyhead tgh tidur.
Smalam die mrajuk, kol 12.30 mlm nak men pc..and I just shut it down. She looked hurt and trus tidor.
Before tu dia ajak datang rumah bila bday dia.
I miss that brat. ;(
Posted by Gooseberry//Yo at 12:58 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 15, 2009
) Full name? Y'know
2) Single or Taken? Taken
3) Sex? Female.
4) Birthday? 22nd March 1987
5) Sign? Aries mmbek
6) Sibling(s)? 4
7) Hair colour? black
8) Eye color? Dark Brown.
9) Shoe size? 6
10) Height? 160++
1) Who is/are your best friend(s)? ayla & cousins, kure, zully, siblings, yea thats it fer now. Blood is definitely thicker than water u get me right? Change bestfriends like I change clothes & friends come & go i'm SO used to that. yawn~
2) Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? both
3) Did you send this to your crush? Send wat?
1) Where is your favorite place to shop? Thrift store
1) What kind of shampoo do you use? Rejoice
2) What are you most scared of? Ape2 jadi kat My nieces. mintak dijauhkan
3) What car do you wish to have? tade prasaan
4) Who is the last person that called you? rather not say
5) When do you want to get married? whenever I can
6) If you could change anything about yourself what would it be? i dont have time to regret being me.
7) What was your first car? wooden horsey
1) Colours? cmyk!
2) Number? 22
3) Food? changes according to mood swings
4) Subjects in school? recess eh ade lg ke?
5) Animals? salma the dogg and kure the hairy monshter
6) Drink? pokka vanilla dem . craving for one right now
7) Celebrities? duta dihatiku
1) Given anyone a bath? Yes.
2) Bungee jumped? boring?
3) Broken the law? ada
4) Gone skinny dipping? dalam bathtub
5) Made yourself throw up? MMM tried to, time kecik2. Like a game!
1) Red? Sexy
2) Do you like filling these out? Kinda
3) How many people are you sending this too? am not sure.
4) Who will send it back? dunno.
5) Gold or Silver? The latter
1) What are you listening to right now? Another heart calls... hm?
2) Who is sitting next to you right now? im alone.
3) Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with? My future husband la and babies if I managed to get em!
4) Who do you admire? mumster and dadster
5) What makes you happy? The rapat ones
6) How many buddies on your list? hmm?
7) What do you like to do? Dancing
8) Do you like yourself? Sho!
9) Have you ever hated any person in your family? Nooooooooooo way. They're all I got. Well masa kecik2 slalu je.
10) Favorite place to visit? Canmpuses
11) Favorite Month? ermmm.:)
12) Night or Day? Night.
13) Rain or Sun? Both.. well rain does make me uncomfortable
14) Scary or Happy Movie? Both.
15) Career? Jobless
1) Loved someone so much it made u cry? alololo ;)
2) Broken a bone? nope!
3) Played Truth or Dare? Yes.
4) Been in a physical fight? Yea!
5) Been on a plane? Yes.
6) Come close to dying? no.
7) Been in a sauna? Nope
8) Been in a hot tub? hihi abah panaskan air dalam baldi time kecik2 dulu
9) Swam in the ocean? Yeap
10) Been in the back of a police car? No.
11) What do you think about soap? operas?
12) Worst song you ever heard? Balisong
13) Best song you ever heard? Pemuja rahasia! Believe you me
14) Stupidest thing you've ever done? HAHAHA ok where the heck do I start?
15) What's your bedroom like? MESSY
16) Have a lava lamp? No.
17) Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? nope.
18) Your crush? pfft y shud i tell ya
19) Most prized possession? my bagssss.
20) Vegetarian? No.
21) Good driver? lesen kat abah.
22) Good at sports? i sucked at sport.
23) Good actor/actress? hehe mmmm sometimes ;)
24) Good dancer? i'd like to think so :P
25) Shy? i am! but no one would believe me
26) Good storyteller? no way
27) Chicken pox? Yes.
28) Sore throat? Yes.
29) Stitches? ouchy tak
30) Bloody nose? used to
31) Cold? Yes.
1) Enjoy parks? Yes.
2) Like picnics? Yes.
3) Like school? no way in the world
4) What school? UiTM.
5) Collect anything? bags
6) Like to shop? yep.
7) In trouble a lot? ..God only knows.sigh
8) What is one thing you want? All the love in the world alala.
1) Eat a live hamster for a million dollars? hmmmmmmmmmmm......thinking
2) Go to a Hanson concert if you had a free ticket? OFCOURSE!!! I LOVE TAYLOR AND PENNY AND ME AND MMMBOPP TOTALLY ROX!
3) Kill someone you didn't know for 15 billion dollars?aLL FO Money G
4) If you were stuck on an island, who would you want on the island with you? FAV PEOPLE!
Posted by Gooseberry//Yo at 6:43 PM 9 comments
Hey boyf
Friday, June 12, 2009
Kure I so mis yu a lot yu know so alot alot. Ok baibai.
p/s : aku buat tumblr. apa tu? cam bes je kan. google la kalau rajin. aku pk nak promote2 work tapi haram work aku tak update pun so aku update haram je.
Posted by Gooseberry//Yo at 8:50 PM 3 comments
New doodle and few other stuff
Hating the new header but feel the need to change. Went into shopping frenzy and bought a few stuff online coz I'''m dead bored and feels nice to wait for smtg on the mail. Like grandma's presents yang dah takda dh skarang. Shucks~
MMMMMMMMM lets see what else is newww...
practikel lagi 3 minggu,,,,,,,,
soo eksaited!!!!!!111
Oh and the picture up there, Just trying smtg out with this new stroke. Sorta, fashion-ish. But dint elongated the body parts tho. Not that much. A lazy Saturay but still werking. Rasa cam nak start back at one, I should be a little friendlier around here. Oh well next time.
Posted by Gooseberry//Yo at 6:57 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Sometimes kau rasa macam cool gila playing the badass or jadi the naughtiest girl or the wildest child but really when you think about it, think about karma, aku rasa kau boleh berhenti.
Aku disodok dengan moral value bukan sebab aku nak, tapi sebab terpaksa. Sebab aku takut.
Mak aku cakap aku degil and the only way for me to learn is to learn it the hard way and boy, did it taste bitter.
Posted by Gooseberry//Yo at 8:52 AM 0 comments
Zaman umur 20an
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
All around me, aku tengok and aku rasa sendiri,AKU LALUI SENDIRI, semua orang yang tengah get ready utk sacrificekan diri masing-masing untuk kehidupan yang lebih bahagia.
2 langkah untuk tuju ke satu benda yang ubah hidup.
And bila kau dah sampai kat simpang ni lah its either kau berjaya langkah or kau jatuh terus mcm satu longkang yang dalam gila.
Tapi aku tak pernah cakap kau tak boleh climb your way out.
Bila kau dah sampai kat tempat ni, kau akan experience the extremeness in everything. Apa?
Kau kena kehilangan banyak and gained banyak. Kau kena sabar and luak juga semua yang kau rasa.
Kau akan rasa banyak sgt sampai aku rasa kau boleh penat juga. Sampai boleh menyorok juga kejap untuk teman diri kau sorang .
Orang lain akan pandang kau macam gila and pelik tapi aku rasa kalau kau kat tempat and umur tu juga kau akan buat benda sama.Kot.
Semua dlam stage berkorban. Aku suka sangat umur ni. Semua orang yang aku cakap, yang kongsi masalah, yang ada untuk aku and aku ada untuk dia pada peringkat umur ni, aku akan simpan semua tu sampai bila-bila.
And aku rasa the last stage yang ko kene kecapi adalah "percaya".
Setakat ni only 25% je yang dah sampai stage tu and yang dah sampai pun, partner dia pulak opposite.
Aku tak terkecuali.
Umur dan zaman yang sangat comel.
Aku tak sabar nak tengok 10 tahun akan datang dan bicara balik pada zaman ni.
Posted by Gooseberry//Yo at 2:29 AM 3 comments
The coolest cover album
Monday, June 8, 2009
The Shins: Chutes Too Narrow

Posted by Gooseberry//Yo at 11:24 PM 3 comments
Love thy neighbours
Posted by Gooseberry//Yo at 2:11 AM 4 comments
Labels: art, gooseberry, Unity 1 Malaysia
Straylight run
Saturday, June 6, 2009
It takes more time than I've ever had,
Drains the life from me,
Makes me want to forget,
As young as I was,
I felt older back then,
More disciplined,
Stronger and certain,
But I was scared to death of eternity,
I was saved by grace,
But destroyed by naivety,
And I lied to myself,
And said it was for the best,
And now faith is replaced with a logic so cold
I've disregarded what I was,
Now that I'm older,
And I know much more than I did back then,
But the more I learn,
The more I can't understand,
And I've become content with this life that I lead,
Where I drink to much and don't believe in much of anything,
And I lie to myself,
And say it's for the best,
We're moving forward,
But holding ourselves back,
And we're waiting on something that will never come.
Hoho, I guess almost everyone can relate to this ey? :P
I guess its okay to be scared and all, not wanting to make the same mistakes again but you don't have to just, throw your luck away just like that.
Saying you're doing the right thing, its just not for you and you're much happier where you are right now.
And I guess its okay to believe every now and then. Eventhough fate can really twist in a way so cruel you feel as though your life is gonna end right then and there, you just can't stop believing.
Thats like part of the fun, waiting to see what the tides might bring.
Maybe it's right in front of you but you refused to give in, refused to get hurt, refused to lose parts of you?
We're still pretty much a child, and everyone needs a mother.
Posted by Gooseberry//Yo at 8:46 PM 1 comments
Friday, June 5, 2009
I know you well enough to know you never..
Posted by Gooseberry//Yo at 9:02 PM 0 comments
I'm gonna delEte few of perempuan vainpots kat facebook. Like seriously, menyemak, lagi2 bila aku pms. Dahla tak kenal sgt.
I just dont understand dgn perempuan yg suka sgt puji diri sendiri like "omggg **** so comel,,so sexy,so pretty".
Kalau kau semua tu, u wont be telling that to other ppl.
EVrything has a limit and being a vainpot you are, you should know your limit also.
Keep it to yourself la.
Kadang2 jadi overkonfiden ni menjelikkan ok?
Dahla facebook tu notify kan semua benda. Tak kuasa aku.
Oh kalau laki vainpot tu, mmg dh kiamat la dunia. Takyah blog pasal tu pun takpa.
Posted by Gooseberry//Yo at 2:55 AM 5 comments
Thursday, June 4, 2009
"There are secrets that we still have left to find
There have been mysteries from the beginning of time
There are answers we're not wise enough to see
He said, ?You looking for a clue? I love you free?
The batter swings and the summer flies
As I look into my angel's eyes
A song plays on while the moon is hiding over me
Something comes over me
I guess we're big and I guess we're small
If you think about it man you know we got it all
'Cause we're all we got on this bouncing ball
And I love you free, I love you freely." - Five for Fighting
Posted by Gooseberry//Yo at 10:15 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
I remember listening to Jewel's Pieces of You, all along the road, looking at tiny houses and pretty sights, driving from Houston to Nebraska for 2 days straight,driving the family madcrazy.
I was only 14 at that time.
Posted by Gooseberry//Yo at 5:06 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Now I know that you're reading this, thannnnkies Khaii for the lovely shirt. ^_^ Hugggss to old frieends! Esok kite dating lagi. Kidnap me by 1pm please!!
Posted by Gooseberry//Yo at 8:10 AM 0 comments
Dad's comin in a few minutes. Last night was awesome, me doodling on the bag without thinking pasal duit and stuff. Money does changed you in a way.
So back to basic mcm album sape tah, christina aguilera. Rasa macam tu.
Mlm ni had dinner dates with 2 of my childhood friends, dari darjah 6 and form 1 kawan.. So yea I'm good.
Had to redesign the company profile for this graphic company. Why not redesign the toilet , perhaps tambah flush ke kat jamban, as the starting point?
Atau bikin aircond ka?
Oh and I just found the reason die tanak letak aircond coz takut perkejer tidur. What da duck kan. NGENGNGENG NGENG.
p/s: Rasa mcm nak bela kucing. When will I get over this fear of cats and haiwan bertulang? I get nauseous just listening to their heartbeat and tulang yang begerak. Its like I'm missing out on the good stuff. :|
I remember ada this one time, Ina and Awe campak anak kucing dlm hostel aku and locked the door and diaorg lari kluar. I was shakingg and screaming my lungs out. Luckily Mai the kucing lover rescued me, (or is it the cat), and had a good laughed about it.
That night, I had a nightmare involving the cat and getting stepped on. And blood.
Posted by Gooseberry//Yo at 2:55 AM 0 comments
Labels: H
Teringat Salma
Monday, June 1, 2009
Teringat haritu Auntie Siti datang rumah (kawan Mak) and tanya Salma, "Salma pegi zoo ke tadi?"
Salma replied ,"Woof!".
Posted by Gooseberry//Yo at 4:25 AM 6 comments