Not much to do today, going to Sarah's house in the evening to catch her sis's engagement.
I really miss those days back in Perak.
Me and her, we do everything together.Going to the lake near Uitm while eating kropok lekor, usya mat2 indo tgh mandi which is very urgh, menari mlm2 dekat tangga sampai pak guard marah, mandi hujan sama sama dekat tmpat sidai baju, pegi kedai dekat2 naik motor [dlm kampus je so jgn cuak] and how she likes to press bila lelaki lalu. That's so Sarah.
My confidence used to be like really low, when I first walked in the room. Then I met a girl yang to me mcm flawless. She doesn't care what people think eventho kalau nk ikutkan ramai je org ckp mcmtu utk tunjuk how carefree they are but Sarah is, literally, mmg tak kisah. And that makes her so beautiful. And somehow she had kinda shaped me into what I am today. Well sorta. Ade satu time I was really girly dulu2, time ngan Sarah, before I had Kure and after the horrendous breakup, going to classes with lip gloss on my lips, sARAH AJAR..(Oh she used to take Fashion while we're still in Perak dulu) And sgt la susah since I laughed mulut buka luas2 and somehow lipgloss tu slalu je tekene gigi. So yeah mcm loser nak melaram? HAHA. Not to mention the outfits we exchange every morning utk double our wardrobes. Sighh. Rindu nyer. But I'm glad coz I went thru the whole ordeal. Sarah is amazing. Peneman merepek di tgh malam sambil mkn kropok ikan. Menari lagu No Doubt sampai pluh2 . Intai pmpwan isap rokok kat bilik blakang sbb kiteorg mmg jakun, duduk kat kafe sebelah2 mcm bf gf just to tgk manusia lalu lalang and omong kosong. Conteng dinding kat bilik cakap "Nak balik.." and remember the time Raya Haji and kita stuck dekat Hostel coz tiket bus habis? Raya Haji and makan nasi lemak dgn Nor sambil pasang radio kat hp and mengenang nasib. Hiba gila.
Maybe dia dah letaak 40% of confidence in me. To embrace one's self, despite the flaws.
Can't wait to see her.
Randomness: Khairina bought me a Weezer t's at one of their concert haritu! SUPERYAYYYYY
Belle of the ball, at least to me.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Posted by Gooseberry//Yo at 8:00 PM 2 comments
Yang terselamat
Dulu I got a friend yang berjaya hasut cakap lukis manusia is haram. So aku pun ikut bakar semua sketches time form 4 sampai umur 18thn . And surpriisingly, these are the sketches yang terkecuali coz menyorok ke apa. And these are my drawings time f4 and f5, ah the good old times. Me likey ~ ;')
Posted by Gooseberry//Yo at 7:50 AM 2 comments
In [Dan discussing his infedility] Dan: I fell in love with her, Alice. *************************************** [Reacting to Dan telling her that he loves her after his admission of the affair] Alice: Where is this love? I can’t see it, I can’t touch it. I can’t feel it. I can hear it. I can hear some words, but I can’t do anything with your easy words. *************************************** [Discussing Dan’s affair] Alice: Is it because she’s successful? *************************************** [Alice has just told him she is leaving him after he told her of his affair] Dan: It’s not safe out there.
Not bad.
2 months from now, I'll be posting useless entries and if possible, artworks! Ishk, kena carikan benda nak dibusykan. Maybe buat stickers malam ni. Manually, erm atau...well let's see..movies.. tgk citer Closer. Closer? Pengaruh tak baik. Mesej yang menakutkan. Have you ever seen that movie before? The movie is soo the opposite of a happy ending type of film, macam everyone cheated until the end and sumer because of ego and s*X and mcm love tak wujud langsung kot. 4 diff person yang sexually active and lying to get their way and also can be too truthful at times, cheating with other ppl (eh ulang) and so on. So in conclusion the movie is verry blunt and truthful kot, maybe in adult dating world. Bukan semua, but I did come across orang2 mcm ni a few times in my entire life. You know how I love movies quote so here they are,
Alice: Oh, as if you had no choice? There’s a moment, there’s always a moment, “I can do this, I can give into this, or I can resist it”, and I don’t know when your moment was, but I bet there was one.
Dan: No. It’s because… she doesn’t need me.
Alice: Oh, and it’s safe in here?
Alice: Lying’s the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off - but it’s better if you do.
Anna: Don’t stop loving me. I can see it draining out of you. It’s me, remember? It was a stupid thing to do and it meant nothing. If you love me enough, you’ll forgive me.
Larry: You don’t know the first thing about love, because you don’t understand compromise.
Dan: And you left him, just like that?Alice: It's the only way to leave. "I don't love you anymore. Goodbye."
Dan: Supposing you do still love them?
Alice: You don't leave.
Dan: You've never left someone you still love?
Alice: Nope.
Ishk, mana Salma & Hanan ni?
Napa hati kene berdegup kencang bila takde orang di sisi?
Bye nak kuar lepak ngan Ila!
Posted by Gooseberry//Yo at 5:23 AM 0 comments
At home, finally.
Going for a haircut this evening.
And a bikeride,
if i must.
Gonna wake the brother to accompany me. Till then
Posted by Gooseberry//Yo at 1:12 AM 2 comments
Taking back whats mine.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Square one.
Posted by Gooseberry//Yo at 8:29 AM 1 comments
Wake up Exhausted
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
11 Wake Up Exhausted.wma -
I wake up exhausted it's not morning
it's back to sleep to re-dreaming
we're alone and we're happy
but there you are, angry with me
are you all right? I can stand up straight
are you all right? can't you get me off your mind?
I hated this city before you came here
so let go and move on
we're strangers, we're not friends
I hate this and I hate them
this city's exhausted and it's wound up
soon to be a place that's just filled up
and I found out that you're angry
and you're sorry you ever met me
are you all right? I can stand up straight
are you all right? can you get me off your mind?
I am alright I can stand up straight
are you alright can you get me off your mind
I wake up exhausted it's not morning
it's back to sleep to re-dreaming
we're alone and we're happy
but there you are, angry with me
are you all right? I can stand up straight
I am all right, I can get you off my mind.
I am all right, I can stand up straight
are you all right? can you get me off your mind,
can you get me off your mind,
can you get me off your mind?
Posted by Gooseberry//Yo at 8:23 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 27, 2009
Closing the space in my heart.
Posted by Gooseberry//Yo at 4:45 PM 0 comments
Hey Zul,
Azab habis gak. Finally.
So, 1 more year to go till degree. Lama? Mungkin.
Azab lg setahun. Gile bai, bayangkan lepas setahun lg, tah2 aku dah kawin and ada anak. Tah2. Anything can happen. Atau aku jadi loner yang tinggal dekat tempat ade pantai.. Tu sentiasa jadi backup plan aku dari 1st aku belajar bercinta. Hehe. Just to feel safe. Or, benda benda lain jadi. Ishk pk bukan2. Too imaginative. Lupaaakan.
Aku banyak merapu lately, kepala cam atas angin. Pk benda lain padhal tengah ckp sal benda lain and reply benda yang aku pk tu and org will go like "the hell..."
Banyak gila conversation aku lupa.
Kadang kadang aku pk cam aku ni airhead ke tak? Paris Hilton minus the hotness.
Aku tak tau napa tapi daya fokus aku akan hilang lepas 10 minit, ya aku timing tanpa korang sangka. Maybe sebab tu aku tak fokus. Busy kira brape minit.
Aku harap cuti ni aku bleh jadi makin dewasa. Oh cubaan aku utk jadi lady haritu agak hancur kot, plan backfire kaw2 so aku lari jap utk grieve akan plan yg tak jadi tu but thats the way it sposed to be rite?
And lagi satu, aku cam rimas lak artist2 mcm Mawi, Amy Searcch, cat farish, rosyam nor sume skarang dh pindah kat Bangi. Gile wey, buat jam je. Dahla kedai makan cat farish mahal gile Cheese kek rm8 k gile cekik darah. Aku harap sgt Cat farish google nama die and jumpa blog aku tgh komplen pasal kemahalan kedai die walhal aku tak pnah g makan pun kat sana. Adik aku yang gi and komplen tapi takpe la, anggap cam resources.
Trend ke ape konon pindah ke Bangi takde orang kejar la sebab Bandar Baru kan?
Posted by Gooseberry//Yo at 9:19 AM 4 comments
Posted by Gooseberry//Yo at 6:39 AM 1 comments
What really happened that day.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Posted by Gooseberry//Yo at 8:15 AM 7 comments
Saturday, April 25, 2009
This has been done by Photofunia. Chose this picture coz it doesnt show me as a whole, so nmpak ala ala misri gitu. Tgh wat keje so takleh bincang lame2 ni curik tulang namanya and aku dh mula rasa ade mata2 memandang grrr.
Tagged by Yana and i'm so jeles her puzzle is dem purdy dem dem. Nak mistri nyer pasal so here goooes.
1. Do you think you are HOT?
Noo I'm just not like that
2. Why do you like this picture?
Above statement pwease
3. When was the last time you ate pizza?
Omg u have to mention that now. craving for some goooooood old dad's prolly last week kot abah masak. He used to sell pizzas back in the old days. Laku gile.Yo angkat bakul abah ni.
4. The last song you listen to?
Seperti yang kau minta
5. What are you doing right now besides this?
Illustrating my dolphin for our tv commercial.
6. What name do you prefer besides yours?
7. 7 people to tag
8. Who is no. 1?
My big sis
9. No. 3 is having a relationship with?
the mirror hoho
10. Say something about no. 5?
My childhood fren. Sekolah sama dari darjah 1 sampai skarang. :D
11. How about no. 4?
The sweet Nad. My housemate and kawan skolah!
12. Who is no. 2?
My ad friend, graphic student also!
13. The other 2
Umai- kawan time Perak. So deadly sweet and softspoken girl. If i'm a guy I'd date her.hahaZie- the fashionistah. enuf said :D
Bwat jgn tak bwat. Abaikan final!
Posted by Gooseberry//Yo at 1:08 AM 6 comments
Ponder upon.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Mr. Leezak: Gonna tell me what your chewin' on?
Tom: I just don't know if love is enough anymore.
Mr. Leezak: What do you mean, "enough"?
Tom: I mean... Even if Sarah and I do love each other... maybe we did need more time to get to know each other.
Mr. Leezak: So...
[clears throat]
Mr. Leezak: what your saying here is... you had a couple of bad days in Europe and... it's over. Time to grow up, Tommy.
Tom: Hmm?
Mr. Leezak: Some days your mother and me loved each other. Other days we had to work at it. You never see the hard days in a photo album... but those are the ones that get you from one happy snapshot to the next. I'm sorry your honeymoon stunk but that's what you got dealt. Now you gotta work through it. Sarah doesn't need a guy with a fat wallet to make her happy. I saw how you love this girl. How you two lit each other up. She doesn't need anymore security than that.
Tom: Thanks, dad.
Posted by Gooseberry//Yo at 12:03 AM 5 comments
Siapa suka "TIGERLILY"?
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
I do. Jiwang sokmo tapi layan. Lagu yang teman aku zaman emo form 4 and form 5. Aku tak taw sal die pilih nama tigerlily.
Karekter dalam peterpan ka? I laik that watak tigerlily so much dalam peterpan. I think Wendy so booring, such a goody two shoes and I dont know why my older sis liked her so much back then. Always argue sape bes between the karakters, as I recall la. Skali salah. Hoho.
Maybe coz Wendy reminded me so much of her. Serious, perangai cam sama. Su is Wendy. Practical, garang, mama mama and baik [barf]. so ni post kira mcm dedikasi for my sis la.
Nanti Om n ecah lak. KAMING SOON.
Posted by Gooseberry//Yo at 8:38 AM 0 comments
Kalau nampak corny, kita salahkan J*mi*an!
The final print ad, ignore the lame bubbletalk. Semua idea lecturer kesayangan korang.
A few hours done with PS cs3. Had to go and buy the scotts emulsion.
Posted by Gooseberry//Yo at 3:11 AM 10 comments
To an old friend of mine
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Aku tak tau apa kau buat to deserve those kinda shayte tp aku harap kau dapat tidur lepas 5 hari insomnia and aku tak tau nak cakap apa lg untuk sedapkan hati kau tapi kau antara manusia yang sgt baik yang aku pernah kenal and the situation yg kau tengah stuck sekarang, it'll go away and ko akan jumpa orang/kawan yang far more better than sekarang. Ni semua mcm nasihat cliche tapi sabar, that's all I can say. Karma wil kick em right in their arse tapi aku tau ko tanak pun benda mcm tu jadi sebab entah, aku tak pernah dgr kau ckp buruk pasal orang.
Maybe sebab ko banyak simpan and tak reti nak luahkan, some ppl take this as an advantage coz you know how people are. Ko dengar brape ribu problem orang and you should know that by now.
Do take care and please, get some sleep. Benda macamni memang tak berbaloi untuk nak difikirkan sebab manusia is just manusia. Maybe lambat laun ko leh recall balik benda ni and ketawa je, aku harap cepat.
Aku cam pikir, ade benda yang patut ko tinggalkan drp kene pretend kau cool and semua benda okay. Coz setakat mana je manusia boleh bertahan.
Posted by Gooseberry//Yo at 8:57 AM 0 comments
Labels: useless
From far left to lower right.
The ad is not finish yet since I don't have a Scott's Emulsion box to go with! Grrr.
Posted by Gooseberry//Yo at 8:43 AM 2 comments
Karna hanya dengan perasaan rinduku,
Yang dalam padamu,
Kupertahankan hidup,
Maka hanya dengan jejak jejak hatimu,
Ada erti kutelusuri hidup ini.
Posted by Gooseberry//Yo at 9:03 AM 6 comments
Things to look forward to this coming holiday
1) Being a real designer in a cikai shop. Meaning tak banyak kerja yang die bagi ho. ho.
2) Loads of movies, books to watch and read.
3) Maybe buat painting
4) Hanging out with close friends.
5) Travel to various places.Let's see, Perak, Kl, Melaka, Pahang.ZOOM!
6) Meeting Ayla.
7) Jalan petang petang.
8) Salma & Hanan
9) Sleeping to dream.
10) Cousins
11) Surprises
Posted by Gooseberry//Yo at 8:25 AM 3 comments
Masuk kepompong sekejap
Sunday, April 19, 2009
This one is from Lisa Loeb and New Found Glory.
Both version also good, the acoustic and the latter.
Corny vid, but great music so post je.
Posted by Gooseberry//Yo at 4:21 PM 0 comments
Sagun bukan Sagon!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
This is what we (me & my trusty mate, kure) did for our Project Management subject. Managed to upload the logo and mascot je. The packaging nanti2 la...anyhoo.
We did the logo from scratch , manually. By manual I mean using markers, pens, my new colorpencils! and other traditional stuff! Gile bai.
Oh and I'm liking my watermark! Very-the-sagun .haha. Erm.
Okay. Night, nak gi print!
Posted by Gooseberry//Yo at 7:48 AM 6 comments
a happy update #2
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Everything is going well. Thanx for being a good partner in everything.
Sagun is 10% ahead than what we expected but byk lg tak settle so hopefully semua okay.
I'm out of the rabbit hole, now up and about and ready to struggle.
To friends n families, i lost my sony's charger. Tak sempat nak cari lg so my celcom number is currently unavailable yea. dah masuk 5 hari dah kot.Sorryy. Papehal pun contact my maxis eh?
Right, ni gambar kenang kenangan untuk mengingati akhir sem ni.Ha see baju yang sama dari trip g Penang. Tak tukar2 pun.
Ayla, cant wait to really talk. YM skarang sgt susah coz final sana sini. Takut carried away kalau pasang. Cant wait for holidayy. Much love <3
Posted by Gooseberry//Yo at 7:45 AM 3 comments
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Posted by Gooseberry//Yo at 10:37 AM 4 comments
Friday, April 10, 2009
Manusia mcm always ade way untuk tak jadi happy and tak bersyukur.
Macam, always longing for the past or hope for the future. Macam tak boleh jadi fully happy dekat present. Where you are right now, is happy. You're fine. Not regretting anything from the past, or hoping on anything for the future.
Dance, kiss and be merry.
MM..k. well, what I'm trying to say is, u know the diff between questions and wonders? Little kid looks at the sky and wonders. Later on, will ask so many questions. And belajar untuk cakap I dont know for the things yang die mmg tak tau. Makin besar, kepala makin full of knowledge, takkan admit kalau dia tak tau. Maybe orang besar yang boleh cakap "I dont know" tu, maybe thats a true knowledge.
Manusia cam makin lama makin lupa how they were, they become, critical, to what they have. Over analysing stuff , asking too many questions and not knowing when to let go and just tarik nafas dalam dalam. Now bila something bad happen, they will regret over many things and mula start salahkan diri and orang lain. AND back to square one. They analysed balik diri masing2 dengan harapan bila ada peluang, maybe things would be different. But yang sedihnya manusia is just manusia and really, perangai adalah perangai. Macam susah kalau nak tukar perangai yang mmg dari lahir ko adapt and sekatakan dgn seluruh kehidupan kau.
Kalau habit, well, mungkin boleh. Tapi "old habits die hard".
The thing is, you find someone yang boleh stand ur stupidest perangai, lamest jokes, ugliest dance and cacatness all around.
Maybe dalam dunia ni ade 1/4 lucky people yang boleh jumpa orang macam tu.
I hope I'm one of 'em.
Posted by Gooseberry//Yo at 10:06 PM 1 comments
Tgh rasa discourage,
Dem u philosophy.
Hati berat, byk kot benda nak fikir.
Masa depan, nak survive evryday pun tercungap-cungap.
Jalan panjang lagi tapi makin malas.
dapat ke menatang scholar tu?
Posted by Gooseberry//Yo at 1:36 AM 2 comments
He always talks so much -_-"
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Posted by Gooseberry//Yo at 9:59 AM 5 comments
New layout. White looks cleaner and i can See my cbox properly now!yeah!
So happy.
In a good mood to start working. Doakan we nailed the assesment! Harus cari kelapa tua!
Can't waaaait to go home this coming Friday and see the family! Mak, yo rasa nak makan sotong goreng la hihi.hihi.
Tadi I was so mad at a group of gang, not naming anyone, so haruslah beli cardigan baru. Tepaksa.
Let's see..2 of my projects dah submit, 2 proposals settled this week, mtvme dh siap, so tunjuk next week. Kena ingat to design the cover when I get back here on Sunday.
ISNIN- Prepare to habiskan samuaa Project Management and then focus on TVC, which mcm banyak gak kene betulkan.
Boring gile bebel pasal skoolwerk. Call me crazy but but I'm kinda excited to start working this coming holiday.
Posted by Gooseberry//Yo at 6:14 AM 2 comments
Harini hari baru
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
It's time we take control.
I guess from now on I have to pretend hard, and I mean real hard, to be more ...dewasa..the temper thing and moodswings, harap2 dapat buang.
They say if you pretend real hard, lama2 it comes naturally to you. That so?
Well here goes. Wish me luck on being a lady.
Posted by Gooseberry//Yo at 5:22 AM 6 comments
Monday, April 6, 2009
Dr. Meredith Grey: I've heard that it's possible to grow up - I've just never met anyone who's actually done it. Without parents to defy, we break the rules we make for ourselves. We throw tantrums when things don't go our way, we whisper secrets with our best friends in the dark, we look for comfort where we can find it, and we hope - against all logic, against all experience. Like children, we never give up hope.
Posted by Gooseberry//Yo at 1:35 AM 0 comments
Friday, April 3, 2009
1) Apakah nama blog anda sekarang dan kenapa anda memilih nama itu?
A lost designer's tale. sebab aku rasa mcm aku still soerang designer yg maseh lost (duh) , takde keje tetap, benci motion2 nyer softwares dan aku tka tau nape aku amek grafik.haha
2) Apakah link blog anda sekarang dan bagaimana boleh timbul idea untuk menamakannya seperti itu.
Senang ingt.
3) Apakah 'method' penulisan dalam blog anda?
mcm thesis je ni. Tanak jwb
4) Pernah terasa nak hapuskan blog anda? Sebabnya?
MMM tak
5) Apakah pendapat anda mengenai blog kepada pemilik blog yang tag anda ni?
Seorang anak gadis sunti yang brilliant & byk idea.
Interesting blog and ade byk guts compared to me.
6) Next 10 person to tag?
- su
- seri
- zul
- arol
- igniz
Posted by Gooseberry//Yo at 7:22 PM 3 comments
Entri Panjang jangan baca if tanak?
Thursday, April 2, 2009
As I recalled, hubungan aku and my nenek&datuk were never that close. Kadang-kadang aku mcm nak sedapkan hati aku cakap mcam oh yeah maybe sebab jarang jumpa kot , bila jumpa kiteorg jadi macam tak berkomunikasi.
Kadang-kadang orang mcm cakap oh best gila kau mix time aku kecik-kecik dulu tapi aku macam ada part yang aku tak faham kenapa.
Kdang-kadang aku macam berangan aku macam anak orang putih yang fasih gila cakap english tak kesahlah dengan orang putih atau org melayu. Bila aku dengar kawan aku cakap dengan slang American, aku dengan otomatik bayangkan what if kalau kawan aku tu jadi cucu nenek and datuk aku, mesti nenek and atuk happy gila ade cucu yang boleh berkata-kata.
Aku boleh bertutur in english, but not good enough and jarang sekali di fasihkan lagi lagi time aku kecik kecik dahulu. Aku macam ingat je the 3rd time aku pergi rumah atuk nenek, aku datang dengan harapan yang aku boleh at least bertutur dengan maju and dapat jadikan mereka atuk nenek yang rapat mcm dalam tv tu. Tapi everytime aku balik sana, hal yang sama jadi.
Kadang-kadang kecewa gila sampai aku menyorok dalam toilet and wept. Gila gay tapi aku hanya budak umur 12 tahun yang cam teringin gila disayangi atuk nenek.
Aku macam pikir bila lagi kalau bukan skarang tapi bila lagi aku tu tak pernah muncul-muncul.
Aku mcm sangat sayang diaorg, tapi sayang yang jauh. Yang ada jurang. Even dengan cousins aku, kadang-kadang aku compare macam mana reaksi nenek atuk aku dengan kami and kazen2 aku . Teruk sangat tak?
Skarang umur aku dah 22 tahun and nothing changed. Lepas ni tak tau bila lagi aku ada peluang pergi sana and patched things up sebab kadang-kadang aku rasa perlu, as a granddaughter. Macam biasa, aku tengok cerita Talentime and nenek Inggeris dia sangat rapat dengan cucu cucu and for a moment aku fikir macam besnya kalau tu kitaorg. Yang aku paling sebak bila adik lelaki aku yang datang time.. I dont know.. umur dia 12 gak dengan harapan semua benda sama macam time dia umur 8 tahun tapi dia tak sedar time tu dia dah grown a bit and boleh berfikir and aku dpat tengok dia macam hampa coz dapat detect jurang tu jugak. Aku did hantar surat ke apa in hopes of merapatkan diri. Bagitau life aku kat sini mcm mana, the physical stuff. Tak pernah yang dalam-dalam. Aku fikir, kalau aku pandai open up, maybe things would be different.
Kalau keadaan aku sekarang, kalau aku open up dengan orang yang ada dekat sekeliling aku sekarang, orang yang aku dah ade rasa sayang sebab dari hari ke hari aku jumpa and somehow dah masuk jadi life aku tapi still aku tak berani, aku segan dan tak reti nak open up ..would things be different? Aku nak tunjuk kat diaorg yang I'm not this cold, that I have troubled opening up to people tapi macam mana aku nak cakap?
Aku sebak. Am I apart of it? The unit? Macam aku pergi rumah nenek aku, aku sebahagian ke daripada semua tu?
Posted by Gooseberry//Yo at 8:19 AM 10 comments
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Tag Bulan April
tagged by fa!
1. Apakah benda yang paling penting dalam hidup kamu?
The usual stuff, family, close friends,internet
2. Apakah benda akhir yang kamu beli dengan duit sendiri?
milo tin
3. Di manakah tempat impian perkahwinan kamu?
4. Berapa lama hubungan kamu berkekalan?
lama dr aku sangka hehe
5. Adakah anda sedang di lamun cinta?
6. Di mana restoran akhir kamu makan malam?
I forgot
7. Namakan buku terakhir yang kamu beli?
Summer Sisters?
8. Nama penuh anda?
9. Kamu lebih senang dengan ayah atau emak?
Emm depends
10. Namakan seorang yang kamu ingin jumpa dalam hidup kamu?
salma and haanan
11. Sebutkan nama 8 sahabat yang rapat dengan kamu?
- kure
- baws
- fatin
- ila if kt bangi
- sarah
- shamaun
12. Adakah kamu mencuci pakaian sendiri?
Right now,dobi
13. Tempat yang paling seronok yang kamu ingin pergi?
the states
14. Butirkan 5 perkara tentang orang yang tag kamu..
- ranggi
- noice
- speckyy
- terer speakingg
- nama die faaaaaaaaaaa
15. 8 perkara yang saya gilai..
- internet
- oxford shoes
- love
- my nieces
- good books
- " food
- "" sounds
- adrenaline rush
16. Pelukan atau ciuman?
17. 8 buah buku yang paling baru di baca?
advertising shaytes
18. 8 lagu yang kamu boleh dengar berulang kali?
- always for you- the album leaf
- drops of jupiter-train
- Vienna- Billy Joel
- Gwen's
- Save ferris- not cryin for u
- santeria-sublime
- where does the good go-tegan&sara
- take this to heart
19. mari main TAG 8 orang lain..
org yg dlm list teng teng teng tu
Posted by Gooseberry//Yo at 9:43 AM 5 comments