Saturday, January 31, 2009
Posted by Gooseberry//Yo at 9:17 PM 5 comments
Labels: advert
Friday, January 30, 2009
Helo. I've been tagged by Yanaaa..Good timing. Just as I feel like posting something but tak tau what to post so yeah, here you goooooo.

tak sempat habiskan kene kkuar.demm
Posted by Gooseberry//Yo at 2:07 AM 8 comments
Monday, January 26, 2009
It's likely they're just jealous and jaded
Well maybe I don't want to take advice from fools
I'll just figure everything is cool
Until I hear it from you.
Posted by Gooseberry//Yo at 7:56 AM 2 comments
The storm is coming but i don't mind.
People are dying, i close my blinds.
All that i know is i'm breathing now.
I want to change the world...instead i sleep.
I want to believe in more than you and me.
But all that i know is i'm breathing.
All i can do is keep breathing.
All we can do is keep breathing now.
Posted by Gooseberry//Yo at 5:48 AM 0 comments
Saturday, January 24, 2009
"Lari jauh mana pun, akhirnya kau balik ke rumah jugak."
Posted by Gooseberry//Yo at 8:02 AM 1 comments
just bought a cool new shirt weehoo
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
This is me wearing the shirt, sorry tak pakai tudung.
Anywayyys, its only about RM25, here's the link if you want to buy the shirt oso.
Posted by Gooseberry//Yo at 9:49 PM 9 comments
Monday, January 19, 2009
I think it's funny how people do things without thinking.
How people can be so selfish , and so ..lost, all at the same time.
Is it any wonder that everything now is a joke?
Like maybe turn a pumpkin into a carriage, mice into a horse, hate into love?
I just as well shutup, sit back and pray the world won't go to hell too soon.
Posted by Gooseberry//Yo at 1:03 AM 2 comments
Sunday, January 18, 2009
"Sometimes, I wish I was smart,
I wish I made cures for,
How people are,
I wish I had power,
i wish I could lead,
I wish I could change the world for you and me."-boxcar racer
Is boycotting enough? A friend of mine said it's all written in the QurĂ¡n, that its inevitable and nothing we can do about it ..but how can it be this sad?
Posted by Gooseberry//Yo at 11:28 PM 8 comments
Customized Shirt for Afiq #4
P/s: ko rasa tak hidup ko bosan,makin bosan, dari hari ke hari?
Posted by Gooseberry//Yo at 8:54 AM 5 comments
Updates lagi
Thursday, January 15, 2009
I'm gonna blog in malay for this one.Ok here goes...k aku cam sgt takde smangat utk start semester ni coz bg aku sume benda mcm sama-sama belaka..tak cukup tido, last minute kerja, print2 yang mahal, design yang kena pulun utk jadi bes, lecturer yang takde perikemanusiaan [bukan smua] and so on.
so aku mcm buat list benda yang aku patut buat untuk semester ni utk buat aku mcm smangat sikit antaranya:
1)naik rollercoster , been ages since i last rode into one so i think its high time utk naik balik.sunway ,here i come.
2)beli kasut cikai yang kool [done,harga yang lg murah dari pada 1 kaset which aku sangat bersyukur]
3)pergi pantai, aku rindu sangat pangkor. lepas raya cina ni akan ade trip to pulau penang ,i secretly hope dapat jejak kaki kat pasir, tu pun dah cukup bagus kot.
4)create a painting, big size bebeh. smangat ni.
5)like i said before, blajar masak.penting utk masa depan.
6) long bus rides. to anywhere
Mulut die nganga,tertido. OFF.
Posted by Gooseberry//Yo at 5:56 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Currently wearing my laser rings, blue and red and feeling all giddy.
Been awhile since i last updated my blog, no new artworks aor whatsoever got no time fo that.
Doing some research pasal IKS and dont have a clue on what company to redesign. Ade sape2 yang under IKS tak?
Been doing a lot of youtube-ing tadi, tgk2 how to cook nasi goreng, how to clean fish and chicken and blabla bla..
tapi tak jumpa la camane nak siang ayam.yes i know imma dum dum.
I know Im sposed to know all these things lagi lagi bile umur dah 222222222222222.
well lived and learn kan?
ade sesape nak buat vid on how to siang ayam tak?lemme knowww
lepas ni nak cari video buat sambal tumis telur pulak.
Posted by Gooseberry//Yo at 9:00 AM 2 comments
Saturday, January 10, 2009
I've Got You Lyrics
Tegan & Sara
In the company of you
I don't need love cause your love will do
and I've got you, and you've got me
and thats all we need
I don't need air. I don't need to breathe
I don't need rest.I don't have time to sleep.
Cause I've got you. And You've got me
and that's all we need
When I get up, and so do you
When you get up, I sleep right through
And on the road. I sleep alone
and I can't wait. Until I'm home.
Posted by Gooseberry//Yo at 9:53 PM 0 comments
Friday, January 9, 2009
For 3 whole days we (me ,kuwe wok dila papa babu) went for modelling (!???) for batik or mim tunas mekar ke ape tah. The lecturer had called on us since he was desperate and we got the heights andd....we Had lots of fun mainly coz its a new thang for us and gile la kekok jalan mcm itk kot. Compared to the other models, i feel like an ugly duckling specially tgk the other models with their coloured hair,eyes, cute little figure..but they were really nice. It's like my whole view has change.oh well,embrace your own beauty as MIHLYLE always say.
Pictures will be post later since I'm at my cousin's house right now and he's breathing down my neck while I am writing this post and giggling away.
Hm what else? Lan and Din, Fa zie aad and other had been really helpful to use, thankx guys and Lan had put a really good makeup on me, making me looked..eerie and urmmm prettier than before la.hahaha.
Mana gmbar wey babu?
Big news will be out soon, but keeping mum, settling things here and there and my stomach is growling right now and sape sape yang tahu pasal ni, do lend me tips and pros and other stuff coz i'm as cluelesss as a newborn baby/piglet [mihlyle's] acececececehhhh .
Ayla, call me esok boleh?
I want to share smtg. Ym takda
Posted by Gooseberry//Yo at 9:56 PM 3 comments
Missing the munchkins and few other stuff

Posted by Gooseberry//Yo at 8:22 AM 0 comments
New Semester
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Not as bad as I imagined it to be.
Missing Ayla, the kids etc etc.
Nak bwat kasut.babai.
sori blog bosan.takde idea nk tulis ape.
aku cam makin pelik ngan persekitaran aku, apa yang aku jumpa and belajar sikit-sikit.
Posted by Gooseberry//Yo at 7:03 PM 0 comments