"Sometimes, I wish I was smart,
I wish I made cures for,
How people are,
I wish I had power,
i wish I could lead,
I wish I could change the world for you and me."-boxcar racer
Is boycotting enough? A friend of mine said it's all written in the QurĂ¡n, that its inevitable and nothing we can do about it ..but how can it be this sad?
we can only contribute by boycotting and through our prayers. mmg it's already written but we've to unite. Muslims i mean. i can still see Malays eating at McDonalds and i feel disgusted. camne umat Islam nak menang if we don't support our brothers and sisters.
hmm i know what u mean. kdg2 rasa mcm mkn mcdonalds tu mcm makan the poor souls pulak.
beb.. bukan pasal mcdogol.. think about how d politician moves about in our own country.. sume dok rebot kuase, cane nk bersatu padu? cube kalo sume ok je, aku rase, bole je kalo dorg nk wat cam, "sape makan mcd, kfc, kene saman 500" ha.. bes bes.. aku dok ckp byk, roomate aku xreti makan nasi, dok bedal kfc je, lg meluat aku tgk.. alasan die, "aku xleh makan nasi weh, jantung aku kecik.. xmampu tangung badan aku (yg besau ni)" aku dlm hati ckp 'ape ko igt aku x p skolah ke gemok?' XD
hahaha btul btul arol.i love your words. tp tu la...mmg rasa meluat ok.mcm takde kesedaran out of their tiny lil brains nak turut nafsu je..ishk..aku ckp2 cani tah2 kuarga aku kt umah tu tgh bedal mcd ape aku taw kan?hehehe
yeah its true its been said in the alquran.
ni kekejaman diorang yg ke-2.
and then Allah will send orang orang Islam yg kuat taff2 blasah diorang blk pasni.
but xtau la bile kan. doa doa
and then it'll be the end of the world pulak. x( so not ready
and then it'll be the end of the world pulak. x( so not ready
kejam gle.
takut :'(
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