Konvo II

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Konvo was okay. A little tiring coz having to stand in line for quite some time. I dozed mself off sitting at the back after going to the stage. Topi kene langgar dek org yg lalu kt blakang. Open mouthed, good thing I dint snore.

Had a surprise after walking out of the dewan, Kure's parents surprised me with a bouquet of roses. And my family gave me all these cutesy bears. Teharu~
Take a bunch of pictures using Farok's camera but forgot to amek dari dia. Oh well.
Had fun seeing all the old friends, specially Nor,Sarah,Sal,Zul,Sam.

Cousins will be coming tomorrow ~Can't wait. Hopefully dapat buat the unfinished digital painting.
I'm gonna do wonders.Gonna blo yo mind bebeh. I want to be rich someday. Hopefully.


FaFaFa said...

lah, where's the picture with the flowers from ehem. hahah :)

Gooseberry//Yo said...

hehee dlm kamera org lain!! menyedihkan gile~