Home again :)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

After a hectic stressful week with weird events going around, I'm just so glad to be home. :)

Lets see.. managed to send my resume to fm media and bigadam media .we tot fm media was this cikai2 punye printing kedai ke ape but turns out lawaaaa gilee babi and me with my slippers and root bir bottle and kure ngan tshirt ape tah rasa cm nak terkincit tunggu depan the office.fuh and lepas hand out the resume lari kuar cpat cpat . gile penakot kan.
Kelas takde and cancelled for quite sometime so yea we did the ciken dance dint we :D:D :|) and letss see
ok my ganglion hand prolly dont need to be bedah pun since my mum bought this cool wrist braces yg sgt cool utk di conteng so yeaaaa saya tk maw di bedah lagipun praktikel ape sume kan..takkan nak extend kot no-no tq.

a helluva week. glad its over with watching benjamin button as the penutup . :) and cried like what la.. a very good movie and it doesnt hurt to mentionn that brad pittt wasssssss realllllly kacak hoho.

Hanan's bday dh lepas..ngee tak tau nak bg ape kt budak kicik ituu..mmm miss em soo much.. gonna spend the evening with Baws and Fatin,lots of catching up to do and may I tell u that TOSEY SARDIN dekat Shah Alam tak sebes Ameeeralii Bangii. Dem son...mahal gile pulak tu.. kat ameerali at least ade student diskaun walaupun pekerja dia adalah peraba!

And you, yes, you, thanks , for sorting things out, and did what you did coz I know its for the best, cheers, to the both of us.. :D Come December.

p/s: My mum ni sensitip bile i tersebot "yo nak dtg bangi"..she wouuld say. "aih mcm bukan rumah sendiri pulak"..touchy touchy..haha.bangi will always be my home :)


Anonymous said...

not just your mom. My mom pun sama!

ayla : Ma i wanna go out ok?
cik lah: Sepatutnya, ma may i go
out with Syahmi?

ayla : Yeah abah balik KL.
cik lah: Balik or datang
(I'm sure yo faham)

Gooseberry//Yo said...

wahahhaaha..lawak kan.im sure nanti kite tua2 pun jadi mcm tu jugak!! GE