New doodle and few other stuff

Friday, June 12, 2009

Hating the new header but feel the need to change. Went into shopping frenzy and bought a few stuff online coz I'''m dead bored and feels nice to wait for smtg on the mail. Like grandma's presents yang dah takda dh skarang. Shucks~

MMMMMMMMM lets see what else is newww...
practikel lagi 3 minggu,,,,,,,,
soo eksaited!!!!!!111

Oh and the picture up there, Just trying smtg out with this new stroke. Sorta, fashion-ish. But dint elongated the body parts tho. Not that much. A lazy Saturay but still werking. Rasa cam nak start back at one, I should be a little friendlier around here. Oh well next time.