I have to amik this post frm my sister walaupun bleh link atau tulis balik, i chose to copy n paste
Yesterday while eating her chicken wing Salma asked me this:
Salma : Mama, mana head chicken ni, macam head Salma?
Me: Ada dekat pasar dah kena potong
Salma: Nanti ayam tu matilah
Me: Yela, kena mati baru boleh makan
Salma: Dia mati kat mana mama?
Me: Mati dekat farm
Salma: Oh, farmer tu jahat!
Haha, then she babbles apa entah lagi
A few months ago while waiting in the car with the kids, the car next to us reversed, then Salma cakap "Mama, car kita dah pandai move sendiri". It seemed to her that our car was moving forward.
Last year when my uncle passed away because of semput I told Salma about it and said we shouldn't smoke cigarettes because it's bad for us. This was the first time we talked about death, so a few days after she was still talking about it, how tok's sister (never can remember brother) dah mati. Then I asked kenapa? She said sebab isap kuih. I was confused then barulah ingat that she'd probably never seen anybody with a cigarette and all this while dia dok ingat kuih rokok!!hahah...funnyla Salma ni
Oh and haruslah amik gmbar nya skali
Oh and haruslah amik gmbar nya skali
comel nye isap kuih.. i'd rather isap kuih dari isap rokok.. found it hard to quit though..
i wish i'll have dozens of kids like her in my tadika later when i manage 1. =) cute
haha dozens?? habislah tadika tu hahaha
Jom ramai2 isap kuih!
hehehehe ^_^ ayuh
mate aku berair lepas bace the last 2 comments b4 this. either sebab kuih or salma, aku pon x sure.. XD
mcm mane nak isap kueh????
snguh comey budak kicik ni..
haha dia brp thn? bijak sungguh
mmg comey ade budak2 mcm niiiiii..
rinduuuuuuu kt cousies~ :'(
arol: haha berair as in menanges atau ketawa?
faz: hahaha tu la pasal "-_- imaginasi aneh
yana: she'll turn 4 this september.heee
fa: nguu tu la..budak kecik mmg la sgt bess
hahahha kuih rokok. lama tak makan.
teringat time dia makan satay kat rumah cik mat.
rindu Salma.
rindu semua.
miss u ayla :'(
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